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Aethetics of Hardscape

To better understand how to design for a landscape, the elements that make up the outdoor living areas are referred to as hardscape and softscape. Hardscaping and softscaping are the complete opposites of each other, yet both are necessary to make landscape fully functional. In recent years, both terms have become more common, but there is a major distinction between the two.

Ideally, a well-designed landscape incorporates a balance between hardscaping and softscaping. We’ve all seen properties, maybe in your own neighborhood, that have to much of one of the other.

An overly hardscaped front yard might have a circular paved driveway or just too much concrete or paving can look like a commercial property- all you need is a valet.

A home that goes overboard with softscape might look like a jungle – maybe that unkempt old house down the street who’s become a tad plant-happy and has a vegetable garden, herb garden, roses or ornamental grasses.

To much of either landscape style in a front yard can compromise your homes curb appeal and might bring down property values for your neighborhood. As for your backyard, too much hardscape is not the ideal spot for relaxation – but too much softscape may create an overgrown area; strike a balance between the two.

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